How to change the Divi Logo Link

by Apr 12, 2022Projects, Tutorials, Wordpress0 comments

Hello, dear Divi Maniacs,

I want to share with you another little tip I discovered this week about the magic world of Divi.

I created a community online for a client and I user Divi + Ultimate Member.
But… (in my post there is always a BUT) I needed a simple thing: to change the link to the logo image on the header.

In fact, when people are logged inside the community and press to the logo they have to go to a specific page that is NOT the home page, so I needed to change the link.

I didn’t want to change the code in the header.php but I decided to use jQuery.

There are several ways to add JavaScript or jQuery code to the Divi Theme.

One of the easiest ways is via the Divi Theme Options area.

Go to Divi > Theme Options > Integration > Add code to the body & paste the code below:

    $('.logo_container a').attr('href','');

And your link is changed.

Try and let me know if this tip is working in your project.

See you soon.